Paint more, Read more.
That's it. Those are my New Year's Resolutions.
The two paintings above are part of a series that I hope to complete based on photos I took while riding BART. I also want to restart my series, A Very Brief Period in Time, except maybe on wood panels instead of canvases. And then there are the ongoing collage and abstract and floral pieces that I hope to work on here and there. So, I think I have plenty to keep me on track for the first resolution.
Reading, on the other hand, is a serious challenge. I used to be able to read a book in one day. When asked what was my passion, I replied, "Reading." Now, I have a hard time finishing anything longer than the length of my screen. If I have to scroll, I stop reading. It's awful. Every year I set a very moderate goal for myself to read 20 books and in the last few years, I just can't seem to do it. And the real sad part of it? I'm actually a member of a book club!
The good news is that even if I don't read more this year, I'm pretty confidant that I will accomplish 50% of my resolutions.